Iris Reading - Part 5
how graduate students can read scientific papers

How Graduate Students Can Quickly Read And Comprehend A Scientific Paper

The coronavirus continues to dominate the news now with cities limiting gatherings to no more than ten people. Restaurants, bars, and local businesses are shutting down in the meantime to stop the spread of the virus. Colleges included. Classes continue for many graduate students as they move to a streaming platform, and researcher papers are […]

method of loci

What is the Method of Loci?

Mnemonic devices are little tricks that help you memorize important information. The Method of Loci is one of the most popular and well-known techniques that dates way back to ancient Greece. In Latin, Loci means is means location, or place. Many times you’ll hear the Method of Loci referred to as the memory palace. In […]

How to NOT Fall Asleep While Reading (Complete Guide)

We all know that reading is an essential skill for everyone to have. It is not only crucial for your future but also for your mental health. However, many people find reading difficult because they fall asleep or don’t feel motivated to read. But if you have a coming midterm test or a presentation, you […]

To Listen or Not to Listen: How Music Effects Your Ability to Study

  Exam season is just around the corner, and you’re swamped. You think, “How in the world can I get through all this material before the end of the semester and retain all these facts?” The temptation is there get yourself a good cup of coffee, pop in the earbuds, and read (and reread) your […]