The 8 Best Dads in Literature, According to Readers
It’s Father’s Day weekend! This means you should spend it with some who readers believe to be the best dads in literature. In their unique way, all of these fathers taught their children valuable lessons that paved the way for their success. Readers chose these characters because they too learned from their words of wisdom. If you don’t know who some of these men are, pick up their book today and find out why they made this year’s Father’s Day list.
Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view … until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.”
One of the most iconic fathers in literature is from Pulitzer Prize-winning author Harper Lee. First published in 1960, Lee wrote To Kill a Mockingbird when the United States needed it the most. The Civil Rights movement was underway, and people needed to hear what a genuine person like Atticus Finch had to say. The lessons he taught Scout and Jem also taught Americans about judgment, and still do in classrooms where the book isn’t banned.
Gomez Addams from The Addams Family by Charles Addams
“They say a man who represents himself has a fool for a client. Well, with God as my witness, I am that fool!”
An unforgettable dad in literature is Gomez Addams, who was the head of an unusual household. He supports his family no matter how odd their requests are. He is devoted to his wife, Morticia, and shows his love in unique ways. After reading The Addams Family, you’ll learn that no matter how odd your kids are, follow Gomez’s example and support them!
Ned Stark from A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin
“There’s great honor in serving the Night’s Watch. The Starks have manned the Wall for thousands of years, and you are a Stark. You may not have my name, but you have my blood.”
When everyone looked at John Snow as a bastard, Ned Stark looked at him for who he was, his son. He was a proud father to all of his children and wasn’t afraid to let others know that John was his boy. Good thing he did as John becomes a significant asset in the highly-acclaimed book series. Read the books before you binge on the HBO series with Dad this weekend!
James Fraser from Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
“You are my courage, as I am your conscience. You are my heart — and I your compassion. We are neither of us whole, alone. Do ye not know that, Sassemach?”
Father of two kids, James (Jamie) Fraser has all the qualities that make up a good father. He has his flaws, but readers can all agree he always tries to do what’s best for his family. Plus, the special bond he has with Claire is an excellent example for their children to emulate later on in life.
Jean Valjean from Les Misérables by Victor Hugo
“Yes Cosette, forbid me now to die I’ll obey. I’ll try. On this page I write my last confession. Read it well when I at last am sleeping. It’s the story of one who turned from hating – a man who only learned to love when you were in his keeping.”
Not a saint by any means, Jean Valjean begins Les Misérables as a criminal. Throughout the novel, he makes efforts to atone for his sins. Jean Valjean helps revolutionize a factory in town and contributes money to the orphanage and hospital. When he is not out being a do-gooder, he is a loving father to his adoptive Cosette, that he rescued from an abusive household.
Thomas Schell from Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer
“Congratulations, Oskar. With unbelievable bravery and wisdom far beyond your years, you have proven both the existence of the sixth borough and your own excellence. Where ever they are now, the people of the sixth borough celebrate you. And so do I. Now, it’s time to go home.”
The reader never gets to meet Thomas Schell officially, but Oskar’s memories prove that Thomas is worthy of being on the list of the best dads in literature. Oskar learns what it means to be a good person in life through his dad’s imaginative and adventurous games. What better way to teach your kid to have a caring heart than to make it fun?
Joe Gargery from Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
“If you can’t get to be uncommon through going straight, you’ll never get to do it through going crooked.”
Joe Gargery may not be Pip’s actual father, but he does an excellent job of standing in for one. While Joe’s wife, Pip’s biological sister, resents having to care for her younger brother, Joe always finds a way to take the brunt of her rage. When Pip goes off on his own to escape being a commoner, Joe supports him and guides him along the way. Just as a good father would with any of his kids.
Arthur Weasley from the Harry Potter Series by J. K. Rowling
“Now, Harry you must know all about Muggles, tell me, what exactly is the function of a rubber duck?”
Always curious and proud father Arthur Weasley finishes off this list for the best dads in literature. He teaches his children to have good moral values and is an example himself as he teams up to battle “He Who Must Not Be Named.” It’s no wonder the Weasleys are thought so highly of in the wizarding community.
One way to bond with Dad is to have your own secret book club and read as many books as you two can in a year. Meet your reading goal this year by signing up for our Speed Reading Mastery Course. Sharpen your focus, train your eyes to read the news faster, and learn advanced speed reading exercises that will help you read a book a day. Click the link to learn more.
From everyone here at Iris Reading, we wish all you Dads out there a very Happy Father’s day!