Article - Iris Reading - Page 13
Pie Day

Happy Pi Day!

Today we’re feeling very geometric! Around the world today, people will be celebrating March 14th as Pi Day. For those in need of a quick refresher, Pi is the distance around a circle (the circumference), divided by the distance across it (the diameter). How are you planning to celebrate Pi Day? Personally, I’m planning on […]

National Reading Month

Iris Celebrates National Reading Month

Book lovers rejoice! It’s national reading month! To celebrate the month, here are some reading-related resources that you may find helpful during the month of March: Reading Challenge: Can You Read a Book a Day for 30 Days? Video: Speed Reading 101 Article: 7 Steps To Maximize Comprehension Free Speed Reading Tool: AccelaReader Video: The Most […]

Purpose Driven Reading

Purpose Driven Reading

If you’re trying to read more efficiently, you need to have a strategy and a specific purpose before you start. For most readers encountering new material, there is a natural tendency to simply begin at the top and just start reading. This may seem natural to most people, but it’s not the most optimal way […]

A Need For Speed Reading?

A Need For Speed Reading?

Sometimes we get asked the question… Is there really a need for speed reading? If we force ourselves to read the material faster, won’t that just take a way from the whole enjoyment of reading? Normally when it comes to our workshops, the need for speed reading is usually fuelled by the demands to consume […]

The Average Reading Speed

Have you wondered what the average reading speed is and how you measure up to it? Short story answer? The average reading speed is about 200 words per minute! Now if you are interested in the long story, read on… 200 words per minute (WPM) is actually the average for our recent times but did […]