Exercises - Iris Reading - Page 3

How College Students Can Improve Reading Comprehension Skills

The summer after you graduate high school always seems to be a bit of a blur. Between friends leaving for their next journey in life and you, yourself preparing to head out to college, there’s a lot to fit in in only a small amount of time. The ACTs and SATs you studied for (which […]

Creative and Fun Ways to Increase and Strengthen Your Vocabulary Daily

How many times have you found yourself with writer’s block because you can’t think of the right word to use? You’re not alone! It happens to the best of writers. Vocabulary is your best friend when it comes to diversifying your writing. Learning new vocabulary requires a good memory, and if you’re someone who has […]

Start Increasing Your Speed With This Basic Drill

Two Speed Reading Exercises You Can Practice at Home (Step by Step)

There are simple exercises you could practice at home to improve your reading speed instantly. However, you need to practice for at least five to fifteen minutes daily to increase your words per minute.  Your reading speed eventually will be consistent, above the average 250 words per minute, and perhaps steadily increase to more than […]

How To Accurately Measure Your Reading Speed

How To Accurately Measure Your Reading Speed

Do you have lots of paperwork to get through with the deadline stalking you at every corner? Is there a lot of reading involved? Are you keen on learning how to master the art of accurately measuring your reading speed? Improving your reading involves determining your reading efficiency by measuring your reading speed. It consists […]

Speed Reading “Crash Course”

Speed Reading Crash Course [VIDEO]

Looking for a quick way to learn the basics of speed reading? In this video, Toronto-based instructor Joseph Rodrigues takes you through a “crash course” in speed reading to help you read faster with better comprehension. This video will show you how the Iris approach to speed reading works. Share this post:   More Resources: […]

Training Yourself to Speed Read: A Simple Exercise

Training Yourself to Speed Read: A Simple Exercise

Here is a simple speed reading exercise you can do start training yourself to become a speed reader. Take a book you have already read in the past and start reading it again. I recommend one that is actually worth reading a second time. The point of doing this is to get yourself used to […]