Memory - Iris Reading - Page 14
People Are Better at Remembering Names Rather Than Faces

People Are Better at Remembering Names Rather Than Faces

How many times has this happened to you? You are at a networking event that is the perfect opportunity to gain new clients for your company. As you make your rounds around the room, shaking hands, someone stops you and says, “How nice to see you again!” You look at their face and draw a […]

Study Tips To Help Prepare You For Your Next Medical Exam

12 Medical Mnemonic Techniques (With examples)

Mnemonic techniques are valuable learning aids that help recall and retain important information. These techniques date back to ancient Greece and have stood the test of time as people have experienced success using them to recollect crucial details.  Medical mnemonic techniques will assist you in remembering medical terms, concepts, and facts. These techniques include acronyms, […]

How Bill Gates Remembers Everything He Reads

How Bill Gates Remembers Everything He Reads

It’s not always what you read, but how read it that makes the material stick with you. One person who can attest to this is avid reader, Bill Gates.  To date, he reports reading roughly 50 books each year on top of running a company worth over a billion dollars. That’s a lot of books […]

Why It’s So Hard To Remember People’s Names

Why It’s So Hard To Remember People’s Names

“Hi, I’m Dave. Nice to meet you.” “Nice to meet you, Dave. I’m Jane.” Common enough names to remember, but how is it that Dave will walk away from their initial meeting, forgetting the name, Jane? It happens all the time in business and can be embarrassing. Introducing yourself again to someone you’ve already met […]

Do we lose memories forever

Do We Lose Memories Forever?

How many times has this happened to you? You are out with friends exchanging stories about your childhood when someone tells a story about you. For a second, you think they are playing a joke on you. “Did that really happen?” you ask yourself, pausing as you wish you could remember the memory on your […]

You’re A Bad listener: Here’s How To Remember What People Say

How to Remember What People Say (+6 Reasons you can’t remember conversations)

People looking to improve their listening skills will benefit from Cash Nickerson’s acronym ARE U PRESENT. Practicing this technique will help you remember what people say even when working under pressure. You’ll learn to navigate through discussions better and retain the information you learned. There are many reasons you could be having a hard time […]