Memory - Iris Reading - Page 17

Does Watching Too Much Junk TV Effect Your Brain?

Watching TV is a passive activity. You sit there on the couch while information and entertainment are feed to you. You exert little to no effort making it a relaxing and enticing activity to participate in for hours on end. But in recent years, studies have come out detailing the significant damage it does to […]

method of loci

What is the Method of Loci?

Mnemonic devices are little tricks that help you memorize important information. The Method of Loci is one of the most popular and well-known techniques that dates way back to ancient Greece. In Latin, Loci means is means location, or place. Many times you’ll hear the Method of Loci referred to as the memory palace. In […]

Top 50 Useful Skills You Can Learn Fast (in your free time)

A skill is an ability developed and learned to do tasks or activities competently. There is a broad range of skills that you can learn to help you land a job, improve your social life, and assist in meeting the demands and challenges in life.  All skills are useful, but some are hard to learn. […]

Memory drug for Alzheimer’s

Hope for Alzheimer’s Patients: How a New Drug Can Help Reverse Memory Loss

There is nothing more heartbreaking than hearing the unfortunate news of a loved one diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Alzheimer’s is a brain deteriorating disease where slowly a person’s memory declines. There is currently no cure for the disease, but there is hope on the horizon. In this piece from TIME Magazine, The Woodings discuss what it […]