Iris Reading - Part 15

11 Book Recommendations from Tim Ferriss

Tim Ferriss is an entrepreneur’s best friend for go-to advice. He is the author of five best-selling books, hosts of one of the top podcasts, and has one of the webs most popular blogs to read. It’s safe to say that Ferriss knows a lot about business, which also makes him an excellent resource for book […]

Four Reasons Why You Should Read Before Bed

What makes for a good night sleep? Is it a relaxing cup of tea? Or perhaps listening to music is something that helps you drift into your dream world? Actually, based on a study from the University of Sussex, they found that reading before bed worked the best. A solid seven to nine hours of […]

Who Learns Speed Reading and Why?

An executive needs a sharp mind to make the right choices for their business. Employees need to act quickly and remember their responsibilities coming from higher-ups. And students all need excellent comprehension skills to get them their degrees and get them well-paying jobs at these successful corporations. But first, how do people get an active […]

4 Powerful Productivity Habits of CEOs

Have you ever wondered to yourself how CEO’s are able to juggle a multitude of tasks while being the figurehead of a colossal company such as Amazon, Google or Facebook, all while maintaining a high level of productivity? The answer is, well, pretty simple… & personal assistants. I know you’re thinking, “Duh, of course money […]