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How To Improve Your Reading Comprehension In Business School

How To Improve Your Reading Comprehension In Business School

You can improve your comprehension through proper reading techniques like taking good notes, speed reading, and more. These techniques are learnable, and there are online courses that you can take. If you struggle through assignments in business school, it means your reading comprehension skills need improvement. With some tips and online courses, you can comprehend […]

How Can I Improve My Memory and Focus

How Can I Improve My Memory and Focus?

You can achieve better memory and focus by avoiding distractions, getting sufficient sleep, and eating healthily. It’ll also help to reduce multitasking, take breaks, and practice mindfulness meditation. But there’s more.  Focusing or concentrating is directly related to retaining and recalling things (memory). If you don’t pay full attention to something, comprehension will not be […]

Best Techniques to Improve Your Reading Comprehension for Medical School

Best Techniques to Improve Your Reading Comprehension for Medical School

Interleaving and active learning are the best techniques to enhance reading comprehension in medical school. Taking a memory course and elaborative interrogation will assist you in applying knowledge in real life.  Medical school is challenging with complex and immense information. Reading and comprehending all the information can be tough.  Memorizing all the content in your […]

23 Tips to Improve Reading Comprehension for Adults

23 Tips to Improve Reading Comprehension for Adults

Reading comprehension consists of understanding textual and subtextual meaning. By active reading, pacing yourself, discussing the text, and taking practice quizzes, adults can improve their reading comprehension. When reading a text, your brain must process the literal words and their relationship. While this may seem like the barest minimum, it isn’t easy for some adults. […]

Why Do I Lose Interest in Reading? (& What to Do About it)

Why Do I Lose Interest in Reading? (& What to Do About it)

You can lose interest in reading due to the reading slump, television, mental illness, or tiredness. To rekindle your love for reading, join a book club, avoid distractions, take a break and choose your reading method.  People read to gain knowledge and discover information. Others read for entertainment, escape reality, and get immersed in another […]

Does Reading Improve Memory?

Does Reading Improve Memory?

Reading is an important exercise for the brain that helps in improving memory by creating new neurons. It also helps strengthen the neuron connections inside the brain, making it easy to remember and retain information. Most importantly, it helps an individual concentrate, decreasing their stress levels. For many people, reading has only been reduced to […]