Quick tips - Iris Reading - Page 5
fears of public speaking

Fears of Public Speaking And Apps That Can Fix Them

It’s presentation day at work, and you’re shaking in your boots. Know that you aren’t the only one in the room who doesn’t care to stand up in front of a group of people, and pitch a ground-breaking idea to the company. Experts estimate that about 75% of the population has a case of glossophobia […]

How Your smartphone Habits Impact Your Productivity

How Your Smartphone Habits Impact Your Productivity

1992 was the magical year when one piece of technology changed the way we operate to this day. IBM invented their Simon Personal Computer, releasing it two years later to the public. The brick-like device cost over $1,000 and had an hour’s worth of battery life. In 1994 the phone wasn’t capable of accessing email […]

reading materials that aren't books

Reading Materials That Aren’t Books to Practice Speed Reading

  When you hear the word “read,” what do you think of? For most people, novel, book, or work documents are what comes to mind. These are all great to practice speed reading while getting work or studying done. We encourage you to get creative with how you practice your speed reading skills with other […]

cell phone addiction

Your Brain Doesn’t Recharge If You Use Your Phone on Break

It’s funny (and freighting) at the amount of time people spend on their phones. Go to any cafe in the morning, and take a look around at what others are doing. You’ll see some folks reading a book or a paper (which we encourage!), especially if they are on a break from work. Although, chances […]

method of loci

What is the Method of Loci?

Mnemonic devices are little tricks that help you memorize important information. The Method of Loci is one of the most popular and well-known techniques that dates way back to ancient Greece. In Latin, Loci means is means location, or place. Many times you’ll hear the Method of Loci referred to as the memory palace. In […]

Top 50 Useful Skills You Can Learn Fast (in your free time)

A skill is an ability developed and learned to do tasks or activities competently. There is a broad range of skills that you can learn to help you land a job, improve your social life, and assist in meeting the demands and challenges in life.  All skills are useful, but some are hard to learn. […]