Speed Reading Techniques - Iris Reading - Page 4
Speed Reading Tips: 5 Ways to Minimize Subvocalization

Speed Reading Tips: 9 Ways to Minimize Subvocalization

Subvocalization (also known as auditory reassurance) is a widespread habit among readers. It involves saying words in your head while reading, and it’s one of the main reasons people read slowly and have trouble improving their reading speed. Many speed-reading programs tend to exaggerate and will falsely claim that the key to speed reading is […]

How To Reduce Subvocalization (Explained!)

How To Reduce Subvocalization (Explained!)

Are you aware that you read the title of this blog post twice? First, you READ it, and then you said the same thing in your head? Reading and speaking the exact words in our heads is called subvocalization. It is an in-built technique that enables us to “hear” what we read. Although a natural […]

How To Read Faster On A Computer Screen

How To Make Reading On A Computer Easier (and Faster)

Pacers help to make reading on a computer faster and easier. You can use the highlight feature or your mouse as a pacer to help guide your reading. If the pages you want to read are clustered and pose a challenge to your eyes, copy and paste them, then reformat to improve readability. Using your […]

The Simplest Way To Read Faster

Reading with Your Finger (6 Steps to Master Finger Tracking Reading)

One of the most fundamental principles of speed reading involves the use of your hand as a guide, usually your index finger while reading, or also using your pen. This way of reading is especially great for children learning to read. As they are deciphering through text using their index finger and tracking the text […]

How to Read Faster by Reducing Subvocalization

How to Read Faster by Reducing Subvocalization

One of the most common reading habits among all readers is the habit of subvocalization (saying words in your head as you read). Subvocalization is a commonly misunderstand concept within speed reading. Some speed-reading programs will incorrectly tell you that subvocalization is something that you need to eliminate completely. However, numerous studies suggest that this […]

How to Boost Your Reading Speed with the Deadline Technique

How to Boost Your Reading Speed with the Deadline Technique

How Deadlines Help You Read Faster Let’s rewind the clock and think back to when we were in school when you had to write an eight-page paper. When did you write that eight-page paper? What if it was due in three weeks? Did you start writing it at the day you were assigned? Probably not, […]