End Of The Summer Reads You Need To Read - Iris Reading
End Of The Summer Reads You Need To Read

End Of The Summer Reads You Need To Read

The long hours of summer make it the best season to catch up on your to-read list. Between the sun lingering in the sky until late in the evening and vacations with the family, you have plenty of time to find something educational to read. At first, some professionals are wary of reading anything other than fiction when their time frees up. However, take this time to brush up on your industry or a hot topic that will impress anyone you talk to.

Need some ideas for books to read as you head out on the last road trip of the summer? These five reads, recommended by Bill Gates, are enlightening books you can enjoy and use as a conversation starter.

The Moment of Lift: How Empowering Women Changes the World by Melinda Gates

Published last year, Melinda Gates recounts the women she’s met over the years in her book, The Moment of Lift. The book has an empowering mission statement that society needs to continue encouraging women to be their best selves and go after their dreams. Gates reiterates the message that when society works together, gender equality can exist in the world. 


Upheaval: Turning Points for Nations in Crisis by Jared Diamond

No country in the world is immune to disasters. Throughout history, countries have faced changes in events that turn their country upside down; Hurricanes, wars, disease, and other natural disasters tested a nation’s limits financially and emotionally. Some countries bounce back while others don’t. Jared Diamond examines six countries and their response to trauma, revealing the factors that influence individual people and their countries, preparing society on how to respond to the next significant change in their nation. 


Nine Pints: A Journey Through the Mysterious, Miraculous World of Blood by Rose George

For those that are squeamish around blood, this may not be the end of the summer book you’re looking for. Named after the amount of blood the average human has, Nine Pints discusses interesting little-known facts about blood. Author Rose George goes around the world to learn more about how something so familiar as blood differentiates us. From the mountains of Nepal to a medical team in the UK, you’ll find all the reasons you should appreciate blood more than ever.  


Presidents of War: The Epic Story, from 1807 to Modern Times by Michael Beschloss

It’s curious to know what is going on inside the mind of the chief executive officer when the country is on the brink of war. Michael Beschloss examines the history of who the president was during wars beginning with the war of 1812. He explains how these leaders influenced military action with their moral concerns. History buffs will love Presidents of War for its careful analysis of what it takes to be the leader of a nation in its darkest hour. 


The Future of Capitalism: Facing the New Anxieties by Paul Collier

The division of the United States and other western societies has caused society to lose a sense of our ethical obligations. Paul Collier recognizes that nobody has yet to attempt putting our differences aside to save capitalism. Fair warning that this is a highly political book as it examines Brexit, President Trump, and the rise of the far-right in Germany. You may not agree with his politics, but his plan to get capitalism back on track is well worth the time and consideration. 


All of these books will prepare you for when you come back from vacation and ready to work. You’ll feel much more educated, plus, you’ll have a bunch of conversation starters for the workplace. The more you read and have new topics to discuss with others, you’ll quickly find how improving your communication skills build relationships and help you excel in your career. When you take Iris Reading’s How To Talk To Anyone To Advance Your Career course, you’ll learn more ways to speak with others in your field with more confidence and networking events become a breeze. Click the link to find out more today.

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