Blog - Iris Reading - Page 21
What Words Are Hard To Lipread

What Words Are Hard To Lipread? (Helpful Examples)

Lipreading can be difficult for even the most experienced lip reader, as it tends to lead to misinterpretation of many words, including those that others speak rapidly or words with multiple meanings.  Lip reading, also known as speechreading or visual phonics, is the ability to interpret the movements of the lips, face, and tongue to […]

Is Productivity Overrated?

Is Productivity Overrated? (Important Facts)

Productivity may be an overrated concept, but it is a skill that leads people to success. However, it is not always easy to achieve; it takes enormous effort and consistency. Getting things done efficiently has become a prized commodity for most people, with individuals often seeking ways to boost their productivity. Thankfully, there are many […]

What Is Comprehension Monitoring? (Explained for Beginners)

Monitoring comprehension is determining whether you understand the text you are reading. When you realize that you can’t articulate the passage’s main idea, then you can take steps to improve your comprehension before continuing to read. Students and readers know how crucial reading comprehension and retention are. Comprehension monitoring is important because it enhances reading […]

Is Memorization a Necessary Precondition of Understanding?

Is Memorization a Necessary Precondition of Understanding?

Memorization and understanding are both essential in knowledge acquisition. You must not always memorize information before you understand it. However, memorization is necessary in many instances because memorized information is often the foundation for understanding. In 2012, Michael Cove, a UK Secretary of State for Education, gave a speech on education policy and said, “memorization […]

11 Benefits of Speed Reading

11 Benefits of Speed Reading (Explained for Beginners)

Speed reading has several benefits, including better focus, higher levels of self-confidence, improved memory, and more. It allows professionals to stay knowledgeable in their various competitive fields and still have plenty of time to spare. Higher speed and better comprehension are not the only benefits of speed reading. It also offers side benefits that make […]