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Is Memory a Cognitive Process?

Is Memory a Cognitive Process? (6 Minute Read)

Memory is an essential cognitive process involving the encoding, storing, and retrieving of information.  You’ll want to have a photographic mind, won’t you? Virtually everyone wants the ability to recall things from memory with high precision.  Mastering your memory and recalling what you took in (whenever you need to) will help you excel in whatever […]

11 Benefits of Speed Reading

11 Benefits of Speed Reading (Explained for Beginners)

Speed reading has several benefits, including better focus, higher levels of self-confidence, improved memory, and more. It allows professionals to stay knowledgeable in their various competitive fields and still have plenty of time to spare. Higher speed and better comprehension are not the only benefits of speed reading. It also offers side benefits that make […]

What Is Productivity for Students?

What Is Productivity for Students? (9 Ways to Increase It)

To be able to hit all your targets, everyone needs to be productive. It is a measure of the efforts you make towards accomplishing your goals. For students, productivity refers to their efforts and ability to perform efficiently in their studies. This involves how well they manage their time, their ability to prioritize, and their […]

What Are Comprehension Skills

What Are Comprehension Skills? (Explained for Beginners)

Often we read a book, put it down, and forget what we were reading. And even if we remember the context, we cannot understand the true meaning and hidden messages between the lines. Usually, it indicates a lack of comprehension – a skill crucial for kids, young students, or anyone who wants to learn by […]

10 Management Tips to Become More Productive

10 Management Tips to Become More Productive (Explained for Beginners)

Productivity is the measure of efficiency and the effectiveness of a person’s time at work, school, and in life. Working professionals who produce more than they consume are considered productive in their workplace, while a student who can learn quickly and produce high-quality work is considered productive in their school curriculum. The management techniques you […]

Is Speed Reading a Sign of Intelligence

Is Speed Reading a Sign of Intelligence? (6-Minute Read)

Speed reading allows you to rapidly recognize and absorb phrases on a page all at once, rather than identifying individual words. While there may be no strong and reliable correlation between reading speed and IQ, speed reading is still beneficial in improving one’s level of intelligence.  As it is, there is no clear consensus on […]