article - Iris Reading
How You Talk To Your Child Might Make Them Smarter

How You Talk To Your Child Might Make Them Smarter

Most would agree that using curse words or talking about something horrific in the news are things to avoid discussing with a child. You could argue that there are things in life that might be too difficult to explain to a child, and better left for later on in life. You may want to start […]

4 Powerful Productivity Habits of CEOs

Have you ever wondered to yourself how CEO’s are able to juggle a multitude of tasks while being the figurehead of a colossal company such as Amazon, Google or Facebook, all while maintaining a high level of productivity? The answer is, well, pretty simple… & personal assistants. I know you’re thinking, “Duh, of course money […]

What Is the Average Reading Speed? (& How You Can Improve Your Own)

Many resources indicate that the average reading speed of most adults is around 200 to 250 words per minute, which translates to two minutes per page. College students, probably because they must practice reading, move that pace up a notch to about 300 words per minute.  Admittedly, not everyone can read fast and hit the […]

Start Increasing Your Speed With This Basic Drill

Two Speed Reading Exercises You Can Practice at Home (Step by Step)

There are simple exercises you could practice at home to improve your reading speed instantly. However, you need to practice for at least five to fifteen minutes daily to increase your words per minute.  Your reading speed eventually will be consistent, above the average 250 words per minute, and perhaps steadily increase to more than […]