book recommendations - Iris Reading - Page 4
7 Unassigned Books That Every Med Student Should Read

7 Unassigned Books That Every Med Student Should Read

Medical schools demand a lot of their students. In addition to classes, research papers, and exams, there is hands-on experience required to graduate. Medical students who somehow make time to maintain a blog will write about the same thing. They make a point to note that they usually have too much going on and not […]

books lost to time

7 Books That Were Lost To Time That We’d Love To Read

Years after the most celebrated authors of all time passed, came the discovery of evidence of more of their writings. Their manuscripts, some published but now lost forever, have scholars learning more about the author themselves as well as that period of time. Nathaniel Hawthorne once said, “Time flies over us, but leaves its shadow […]

Irish Writers

11 Irish Writers To Read On St. Patrick’s Day

Happy Saint Patrick’s day! Today is the day to wear green, dine on corn beef, and enjoy a pint if you so choose to. The tradition dates back to the ninth or 10th century when Catholics in Ireland observed March 17th as the feast day Saint Patrick. Interestingly enough, the first St. Patrick’s day parade […]

Best Books To Help You Figure Out Your Life

The 7 Best Books To Help You Figure Out Your Life

What a journey it is to figure out what you want to do after high school and beyond. Deciding whether or not to go to college, what college to go to, and what to study are all decisions that require you to go deep and figure out what you are passionate about in life. Graduation […]

Book Recommendations from Seth Godin

10 Book Recommendations from Seth Godin

Marketing takes a lot of creativity, and one of the most creative marketing minds is author and entrepreneur, Seth Godin. Godin created a direct marketing agency, Yoyodyne, that was eventually acquired by web giant Yahoo! for $30 million. Such a success story makes Godin a CEO many aspire to and look to for business advice. […]

Entrepreneur Books

14 Entrepreneur Books that Will Empower Any Businesswoman

More women are becoming interested in the idea of entrepreneurship. Still, the challenges that come with starting a business can intimidate anyone. Increasing opportunities in the workplace, access to mentors, and corporate education opportunities like STEM are all attributing to the increase in confidence of businesswomen across all industries. With a little help from books, […]