Boost productivity | Iris Reading | Iris Reading - Part 12
How Can Personal Productivity Be Improved?

How Can Personal Productivity Be Improved?

There are many ways to improve personal productivity. But we can consolidate them into five – stay healthy, plan your work, avoid distractions, learn to say “No,” and take specially-designed productivity courses. You should be interested in improving your productivity if you want to get the most out of your day. The more productive you […]

Is It Possible To Read A Book A Day

Is It Possible To Read A Book A Day?

 Yes, it is possible to read a book a day. You can achieve this goal by: Learning to speed read Joining a reading challenge Adjusting your mindset Shifting between genres Choosing books you enjoy reading Keeping books with you at all times Minimizing distractions Stocking up on books Exploiting technology Borrowing time from other […]

How Can I Learn To Read Faster?

How Can I Learn To Read Faster?

To increase speed while reading, scan through the text before reading. You also need to avoid habits like subvocalization, re-reading sentences, and reading all the words that slow down your reading. Additionally, set goals, practice daily and improve vocabulary to master speed reading.  Skimming a blog post, browsing through books, or going through paperwork is […]