How Can I Improve My Vocabulary - Iris Reading
A Guide to Marzano's 6-Step Approach for Effective Vocabulary Instruction

A Guide to Marzano’s 6-Step Approach for Effective Vocabulary Instruction

Vocabulary plays an important role in reading comprehension and literacy development. But what is the best approach to effectively growing my vocabulary? You ask.  An educational researcher and author, Robert J. Marzano, identified vocabulary development as one of the key elements in the educational process and developed a six-step method for enhancing it.  In this […]

How Does Vocabulary Affect Fluency

How Does Vocabulary Affect Fluency? (Explained!)

Vocabulary affects fluency in language. A rich and diverse vocabulary enables you to express yourself more effectively and with greater precision. A larger vocabulary enables you to convey thoughts, ideas, and emotions in a nuanced manner, leading to improved communication skills. Learning a new language can be both exciting and daunting. To become proficient, most […]

Expand Your Word Bank: 19 Strategies for Students to Improve Vocabulary

Expand Your Word Bank: 19 Strategies for Students to Improve Vocabulary

Vocabulary is a collection of words in a person’s lexical repertoire. The term vocabulary comes from the Latin word “vocabulum,” which means “a word, a name.”  Vocabulary is a critical component of language and communication, aiding in transmitting thoughts, ideas, emotions, and information. It can be vocal, written, or signed and is divided into two […]

Fastest Learning Strategies to Expand Your Vocabulary

19 Fastest Learning Strategies to Expand Your Vocabulary

The English language has over a hundred thousand words, but do you find yourself using the vast array of words in your vocabulary?  Like most people, you’re more likely only to use a fraction of these words daily.  But, with the right learning strategies, you can make your learning process smoother.  There are some techniques […]

How Can I Improve My Vocabulary

How Can I Improve My Vocabulary? (9 Expert Recommendations)

The English language is voluminous, meaning you’ll never run out of new words to learn and use. Adding new words to your written vocabulary, developing a reading habit, playing word games, and taking courses to improve your memory are some effective ways to improve your vocabulary. Building a strong vocabulary allows you to communicate your […]