make notes - Iris Reading
What Is Active Recall and Passive Recall?

What Is Active Recall and Passive Recall?

Active recall and passive recall are learning strategies that can help retain information. The former refers to techniques that retrieve information from your brain, while the latter refers to the techniques that take in information from learning materials.  Although both are good techniques for learning and memory, active recall is a more effective way of […]

What Are The Qualities of A Good Reader?

What Are The Qualities of A Good Reader?

A good reader comprehends the writing, understands what the author is trying to say, and absorbs as much knowledge as possible to learn and grow. Whether you are a student or a professional, it is essential to remain up-to-date in your field of expertise to keep up with the ever-changing world.  Reading is key to […]

How to summarize a text in English (7 easy steps)

How to Summarize a Text in English (7 Easy Steps)

Knowing how to summarize a text is an essential skill. It helps us in improving our understanding. Yet sometimes, it can pose quite a challenge. But there’s no need to get overwhelmed because we have your back! Here’s how to summarize any text in English: Carefully read the text and make sure you fully understand […]