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How to Study Smartly: 15 Study Habits for Maximum Productivity

How to Study Smartly: 15 Study Habits for Maximum Productivity

Studying is a crucial part of our lives. It is a vehicle for reaching our academic or skill development goals. Unfortunately, many people do not get good study outcomes despite many hours of studying. To improve results, some study harder by increasing study sessions and pouring more time into studying. But, most often than not, […]

Do Deaf People Have an Inner Voice?

Do Deaf People Have an Inner Voice? (Important Facts)

Deaf people do not have an inner voice but inner hearing. It’s similar to having an inner voice, except deaf people mostly experience the conversation in sign language. Some deaf people with experience and exposure to spoken speech may have an inner voice.  Internal voice is a powerful phenomenon. It’s that inaudible conversation you have […]

What Causes Lack of Vocabulary

What Causes Lack of Vocabulary? (6 Common Mistakes to Avoid)

If you’ve ever flipped pages through a dictionary hoping to improve your vocabulary, you’re not alone in the quest for linguistic growth. Developing a vocabulary requires consistent work, not just memorizing words from a dictionary without understanding their context. Mistakes like relying solely on a dictionary and neglecting the context of words do not help […]

Can Reading Help Your Vocabulary

Can Reading Help Your Vocabulary? (Answered!)

You’ve probably heard that reading is key to a healthy mind and is a great exercise for your brain. But what makes it so special? Why should you squeeze in time to read every day? Does it improve vocabulary? Reading helps to improve your vocabulary significantly. The more you read, the more extensive your vocabulary […]

Smart & Fast Memorization Techniques

14 Smart & Fast Memorization Techniques (That Even A Child Can Master)

Both children and adults benefit from learning memorization techniques. Memorization is a fundamental aspect of education and learning, so educational institutions focus on it.  Different memorization techniques can be mastered even by children. Some of these techniques include the chunking method, using mnemonic devices, and the memory palace method. Developing memorization skills through these techniques […]

How Can I Stop Feeling Lazy to Study

How Can I Stop Feeling Lazy to Study? (Explained!)

As a student, you know that studying is an essential part of your academic journey. But sometimes, motivating yourself to study can be challenging.  When you feel lazy, procrastination becomes tempting, and it can feel like an arduous battle to motivate yourself to get started. However, there are tools and strategies you can learn to […]