memory technique - Iris Reading
How Do You Train Your Memory Like a Memory Champion

How Do You Train Your Memory Like a Memory Champion?

Imagine being able to recall hundreds of items at lightning speed, all thanks to the mastery of memory techniques. Memory champions worldwide have astounded us with their feats of memorization, leaving us wondering what else our minds can achieve. Anyone who wants to improve their memory can use these methods to succeed. You can learn […]

Memory Palace

How To Create a Memory Palace To Remember Information

The Method of Loci, or memory palace, is one of the oldest mnemonic devices that helps you to memorize anything from your grocery list to information needed for presentations or exams. In our previous article, What is the Method of Loci, we explained that “loci” is the plural form of the word locus, meaning location. […]

How To Memorize the Contents of a Book [VIDEO]

  Do you easily forget things that you’ve read? Don’t worry. You can improve your ability to remember information. The presentation below will show you how to memorize the contents of a book using the numeric peg system. It’s a powerful memory technique that you can easily learn. Let us know what you think in […]