multitasking - Iris Reading
Is Productivity a Skill

Is Productivity a Skill? (7-Minute Read)

Productivity is a soft skill that encompasses problem-solving, time management, prioritizing urgent and essential things, and more. It is the ability to perform efficiently and consistently, making the most of available resources in a given time frame. Everyone wants to be productive regardless of whether they are in school, studying for academic reasons, looking for […]

10 Management Tips to Become More Productive

10 Management Tips to Become More Productive (Explained for Beginners)

Productivity is the measure of efficiency and the effectiveness of a person’s time at work, school, and in life. Working professionals who produce more than they consume are considered productive in their workplace, while a student who can learn quickly and produce high-quality work is considered productive in their school curriculum. The management techniques you […]

5 Reasons Why Being Productive Makes You Tired

5 Reasons Why Being Productive Makes You Tired (& How to Fix It!)

Do you find it difficult to concentrate and wonder why you are tired after a productive day at work? It could be intense emotions, multitasking, or interruptions and trying to refocus. Perhaps even poor task planning and prioritization or sleep deprivation.  Your body can get exhausted from thinking and working to the point that all […]