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How To Reduce Subvocalization (Explained!)

How To Reduce Subvocalization (Explained!)

Are you aware that you read the title of this blog post twice? First, you READ it, and then you said the same thing in your head? Reading and speaking the exact words in our heads is called subvocalization. It is an in-built technique that enables us to “hear” what we read. Although a natural […]

Start Increasing Your Speed With This Basic Drill

Two Speed Reading Exercises You Can Practice at Home (Step by Step)

There are simple exercises you could practice at home to improve your reading speed instantly. However, you need to practice for at least five to fifteen minutes daily to increase your words per minute.  Your reading speed eventually will be consistent, above the average 250 words per minute, and perhaps steadily increase to more than […]

3-Step Process To Improve Retention

3-Step Process To Improve Retention

In addition to many specific drill sets designed to help train and condition one’s ability to recall, here is a rather straightforward 3-step methodology one can apply to almost any type of reading material. Step One: Preview What this step entails is to read the first and last paragraphs of an article, section, chapter, or […]