science - Iris Reading

20 Books on Space Exploration that are out of this World

Ever wondered about the mysteries of space, its depths and boundaries, time and its dimensions but felt bogged down by the lingo and technical jargon of the physicists and cosmologists? Then this list of books on space exploration can help you unlock the key to this enigmatic, larger than life subject in a comprehendible manner. […]

30 Books a Well-Rounded Person Should Read (Non-Fiction) Book Recommendations

60 Non-Fiction Books Every Educated Person Should Read

If you’re interested in being considered “well-read,” you probably already know that breadth is more important than depth. The following list covers 60 books spanning topics like Science, History, Business & Money, Politics & Government, Social Sciences, Biography, and Philosophy. These are books that will make you a well-rounded person, and many of them are […]

8 Books Every Intelligent Person Should Read According To Neil deGrasse Tyson

Celebrator of science, Neil deGrasse Tyson, took part in Reddit’s Ask Me Anything and was asked the following question: “Which books should be read by every single intelligent person on the planet?” It’s a great question to ask. Neil deGrasse Tyson is an astrophysicist and one of this generation’s foremost teachers of science. Tyson’s response […]