speed learning - Iris Reading
9 Benefits of Repetition for Learning (Read This First!)

9 Benefits of Repetition for Learning (Read This First!)

Repetition is a crucial learning tool because it facilitates knowledge transfer from the conscious to intuitive or deeper recollection levels.  The most profound “aha” moments result from interaction with text, followed by another encounter. Repeating an encounter cements it in your memory. Learning is a gradual process where you interact with ideas and progressively amass […]

How Long Does It Take To Increase Your Reading Speed?

How Long Does It Take To Increase Your Reading Speed?

You can increase your reading speed in hours, days, weeks, or years. The average person can read 150 – 250 words per minute (wpm), but an effective reader can read more than 400 wpm.  You can increase your reading speed faster if you increase your learning speed, take online courses, eliminate distractions, and practice daily.  […]

7 Steps To Maximize Comprehension

7 Steps To Maximize Comprehension

Step #1: When Are You Most Productive? Figure out your peak performance period. This is the time of day where you are most focused. For some people, it’s the morning, and for others, it might be the middle of the day or at night. Try to utilize this time for your most important reading. Step […]

Leveraging Web Technology to Quickly Boost Comprehension

Leverage the Web To Improve Comprehension

In the endeavor of speed reading, one must leverage any and all techniques to help them. Utilizing the web, software, and applications are no exceptions. While the web can be a source of infinite distraction, it can also provide us with immediate and valuable information. Before you begin reading your material, pause for a moment […]