speed-reading - Iris Reading

Speed Reading The Classics: 1984 [VIDEO]

In celebration of National Reading Month, today we showcase a classic work of literature as run through our AccelaReader web app. The dystopian classic 1984, just in time for the upcoming elections! Note: In this video, AccelaReader will be set at 400 words per minute (WPM), and 2 words at a time. Click on each […]

Note Taking

How And When To Take Notes

Notes are an integral part of the reading process, and they naturally help one remember details that they otherwise would not be able to at a later time. While notes can be beneficial, the most common problem is taking too many of them! Some college students seemingly copy a professor’s lecture and highlight, underline, and […]

National Reading Month

Iris Celebrates National Reading Month

Book lovers rejoice! It’s national reading month! To celebrate the month, here are some reading-related resources that you may find helpful during the month of March: Reading Challenge: Can You Read a Book a Day for 30 Days? Video: Speed Reading 101 Article: 7 Steps To Maximize Comprehension Free Speed Reading Tool: AccelaReader Video: The Most […]

Utilize Music To Enhance Comprehension

Utilize Music To Enhance Comprehension

We have all heard the almost universally accepted myth that listening to Mozart makes one “smarter”. That with the mere swells of listening to his majestic symphony, neurons would be rewired in our brains, synapses firing in ways they have never before, and our minds suddenly being capable of performing intellectual feats we never imagined […]

The “Read and Recall” Exercise

The “Read and Recall” Exercise

This simple exercise is a great drill to use in conjunction with your speed drills for a thorough and comprehensive practice regimen because it directly trains your ability to recall. Like all skills, concerted effort, repetition, and practice will help you in honing your comprehension and recall abilities. For this exercise, read a paragraph, and […]

Mind Mapping Helps You Remember

Mind Mapping Helps You Remember

Mind mapping is a great way to help you remember ideas, concepts, details, and their relation to each other in a quick, easy way. Use this method in addition to your regular note taking system as a kind of big picture “bird’s eye” view of the main concepts of an article, chapter, or segment of […]