Why Aren’t Graduates Ready For Work? - Iris Reading
Why Aren't Graduates Ready For Work?

Why Aren’t Graduates Ready For Work?

Why Aren't Graduates Ready For Work?

Millennials are called the boomerang generation for a reason. The majority of them go to school, get a degree, and somehow end up back at home where they started. The reason being is they can’t find a job. This is in part due to not being ready despite all the schooling they’ve been through. You may have a solid education and are well-educated, but because many graduates have never worked before, they don’t have the other experiences that employers want. Graduates can do much better at finding a job after school if they listen and learn what they need to do before sending out resumes.

Why aren’t graduates ready for work?

Graduates aren’t ready for work because the vast majority have never worked before. Baby Boomers worked their first jobs in high school. In a survey by Pew Research, they found that roughly 58% of 16 – 19 year-olds had jobs in high school in 1948. In 2018, that number dropped to 19%. The same goes for college students working while going to school. In 1968 80% of 18-21 year-olds worked while getting their degree. The number dropped to 58% in 2018. 

Employers aren’t innocent either

Employers play a role in why graduates aren’t ready for work too. Many corporations and businesses no longer offer internships. Sometimes it is due to budget restraints; other times, employers don’t have the resources to take on an intern. Internships require mentors to have the time to work with an undergrad and teach them the ropes. Employers also ask too much of a new grad, making it easy to pass on them and pick the candidate with five years or more of industry experience. This deters students from working before finding a professional career because they know that no matter what, it is their age that rules them out to qualify for an entry-level position.

Never rule out “dirty” jobs

Today’s generation is told to go to universities to get well-paying jobs. The issue with going to university solely for a degree to qualify you for a nine to five desk job is outdated. Many college students get a degree, then later discover that that degree doesn’t work for the industry they’re attracted to. What high school students don’t hear enough about are trade schools. Some trades are misunderstood in that they do not pay well. In 2003, Discovery Channel launched Diry Jobs, a reality TV series where host Mike Rowe explores strange and messy occupations. The jobs represented in the show range anywhere between running a garbage dump, unclogging septic systems, and cleaning the sewers of Manhattan. He discovered that these jobs may not be desirable, but they often pay more than you’d think. A plumber, for example, can make up to $74k a year. Young adults should be encouraged to look into these occupations and analyze whether they feel college is right for them.

Tips to prepare for work

In addition to getting a part-time job or internship, you can do the following to help prepare you for getting a job after college.

  • Build your network by staying in touch with those you’ve worked with in previous positions. If available, find a business networking group for young adults to attend regularly.
  • Take advantage of career fairs and career centers at school. You won’t have access to them after graduation, so use them now to learn about cover letters, resumes, and proper job interviewing etiquette. 
  • Keep your social media accounts clean! Employers can seek you out and find out who you are when not in the interview room. If you rather not delete photos from past college events, keep your account private.
  • Have a LinkedIn profile that represents you as the best professional for the job. Keep it up to date with your latest jobs and be social! Join discussions, groups for people in your industry, and show off your passions. Recruiters love to see young professionals educated in the latest industry trends.
  • It is easy to make the excuse that maintaining a job while fulfilling school demands is impossible. It is this time-crunch feeling which has many students choosing either school or work. The stress of trying to fit both into a year while still staying sane goes away once students learn the power of time management and other productivity skills.

Our Personal Productivity Course prepares graduates to transition into the next phase of their life smoothly. In this online course, you’ll learn how to not waste time in meetings, stay motivated after a long day, and other time management skills that will impress your coworkers. Click the link to purchase your course today and become the graduate that is prepared for work.

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