15 Tips on How to Focus on Boring Reading Materials

Reading should always be an enjoyable experience!
We live in a time where it’s becoming increasingly important to be able to get through new information quickly and remember it. Many students and professionals can end up dedicating 3 to 5 hours each day to the task of reading.
Billionaire Warren Buffett, one of the most successful investors of all time, estimates that he spends 80% of his workday reading and thinking. “I just sit in my office and read all day,” he said. “That’s how knowledge works. It builds up, like compound interest. All of you can do it, but I guarantee not many of you will do it.”
In a perfect world, all the material we read would be compelling and interesting. In reality, however, our required daily reading is not always that interesting. Whether you need to read for school, work, or personal/professional development, there are times when we need to spend hours reading material that can be of little or no interest to us.
This can cause us to lose our focus and concentration, resulting in slow reading speeds, poor comprehension, and minimal retention.
This article will discuss the reasons why we lose focus while reading and some of the best strategies you can implement immediately to help you stay focused while reading for long periods, even if the material is boring.
Why is it hard to focus on reading?
Several reasons could make you lose focus when reading. They include distractions, stress, boring text, and more. Tackling these reading issues will help you improve your concentration and reading efficiency.
Let’s elaborate on these issues to see how they hamper your reading concentration.
Stress and Fatigue
You can’t concentrate on what you’re reading when stressed out or worried about the happenings in your life. It is best not to read when dealing with stress as it could worsen. You won’t be able to focus, and you’ll spend too much time reading without making any progress.
If you find yourself falling asleep when reading, it is because of fatigue. You will easily lose focus when you’re tired and need sleep. At this point, you should get some rest and read when you feel refreshed.
Sometimes, you may not be motivated enough to read. In this situation, focusing on the text will be difficult.
It would be best to do something else. Engage in an activity you enjoy and read later.
Too much energy and distractions
If you find yourself skimming through a book and not comprehending much, it is likely because you’re too energetic to read. You’ve probably been on your desk all day, and you feel like jumping out of your chair.
You may also find focusing on what you’re reading a challenge if there are distractions around you. People often get carried away because they keep receiving text messages from friends. Sometimes, the distraction could be noise coming from the kitchen.
Take control of your reading environment and eliminate all distractions. Also, don’t force yourself to read in this situation.
Instead, take a walk or go to the gym. You can get back to your reading after exercising.
Boring material
Reading topics you don’t find interesting can leave you uninspired and bored. A boring book is hard to read, but there are ways to get around it.
Tips to focus on boring reading materials
Tip #1: Try And Make It Interesting
Sometimes the information we read is not presented in a way that is aligned with our personal interests and learning styles, or perhaps the writer is just plain boring (I am not suggesting that my stuff is any better, haha).
One strategy I like to implement is checking if there is anyone else presenting the information on YouTube in a lecture, video, or documentary format. Also, doing a quick Google search can get you access to the same information presented by different authors or bloggers.
Once you have inspected supplementary material, you will find that reading the boring stuff will be a lot easier and you should be able to get through the information much more quickly.
Tip #2: Ask Yourself, “Why Am I Reading This?”
Are you preparing for a test? Are you reading it for work? What is your purpose and expected outcome of reading this material? Do you need to answer specific questions or solve a problem?
Questions Focus The Mind!
By asking yourself questions before you start reading, you prep your brain for a more efficient intake of information. You will unconsciously tune in to the more relevant information and skim over the useless stuff.
Not all the information that we read from a book or article will be useful to us, so there is no need to read for the sake of knowing everything. When you get caught up in the details, it’s easy to lose sight of the big picture.
By focusing on your objectives and being mindful of what they are, you’ll concentrate on the outcome rather than the daunting task of reading boring material… This can be very motivating.
Tip #3 Inspect Your Material Before Reading
Pay attention to the structure of your material. Are there any bullet points, headings, lists, and other recurring patterns within the material you need to read?
Information is usually presented in these ways because the author wants to place special emphasis on the main ideas or essential details. By identifying these patterns, you calibrate your brain to encode the information more efficiently.
Ever notice that it is easier to process information when you’re reading it for the second time? One of the reasons this is true is because the first time we read it, we calibrate our brains to the information and it is fresh in our memory bank. This creates less internal resistance in our brain when scanning through the material a second time, allowing for better focus.
Tip #4 Use a Visual Cue to Guide Your Eyes
Your eyes are naturally attracted to motion. By using your hand, finger, or a pen to guide your eyes while reading on the printed page, you force yourself to focus harder on the material.
Using a visual cue to guide your eyes will also help you increase your reading speed, which is a great benefit. Implementing this technique correctly will help you stay focused with less distraction.
Tip #5 The Read & Recall Method
Did you know that most readers regress 33% of the time?
Regression is going back to re-read the same material all over again because our mind wandered off or we did not comprehend it well the first time. This is a huge waste of time and also signals a lack of focus. One can only imagine how much more we regress when reading boring material.
We can combat this problem by performing a little trick. After you read a paragraph of text, stop and take a quick note of what you just read. Simply write down a word, phrase, or a quick sentence on anything that caught your attention. Repeat this process after each paragraph or section to help you stay focused with better comprehension and retention.
The idea is that when you know that you have to write something down, you’re more likely to hold yourself accountable to pay attention and maintain focus while reading.
Tip #6 Take Occasional Breaks
It is very important to keep the natural rhythm of your brain in mind while reading. Most of us can only remain focused on a task for about 50 minutes. For some of us, that timeframe is much lower. Knowing why you lose focus is only half the battle!
Staying focused requires your brain to work hard. We use mental processes to help us stay focused. Think of these mental processes like little focus muscles. Just like you wouldn’t exercise at high intensity for long periods of time without taking breaks, you should not try to read for long periods without taking short breaks.
The ideal focused chunk of reading should be 50 minutes. After 50 minutes it’s beneficial to take a quick 10-minute break to reflect on the material you just read and then repeat the cycle. You can also use this timeframe to do something completely different to take your mind off the remaining material you need to read. Frequent breaks improve your mental agility!
Forcing yourself to read boring material can be exhausting to your focus and consume additional mental processes that keep you motivated. Give yourself a well-deserved break and your brain will thank you for it.
Tip #7 Review What You Read
Reading boring material is a flavorless experience. It’s like eating food with no seasoning. While we can do it, it does not particularly stimulate us. When it comes to the core purpose of why we read, which is to comprehend and retain information, our brain needs “seasoning” to help us read it well.
You can spice up your reading by reviewing your material in creative ways. Try reading your notes aloud, drawing images, or creating a mind map! The more we engage different parts of our brain, the more easily we are able to make boring reading material come alive.
Tip #8 Create Rewards to Read
Motivation is one of those mystical areas that nobody has really figured out. We do know one thing, however. Most people are motivated by rewards. Just like a puppy dog who does little tricks for a treat, we are not much different than our furry friends in that we are motivated by rewards.
Set some rewards before you start reading. It does not have to be anything spectacular. Sometimes a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice or 15 minutes in a hot tub can be very motivating. Reward yourself when you achieve your reading milestones and goals… You deserve it!
Tip #9 Find a Study Buddy
Sometimes hearing another perspective from a classmate or friend can make a dull topic come to life. Find someone you can read or study with who is creative and positive.
This should be someone who not only motivates you to get through your reading material but also holds you accountable. They should also be able to bring about interesting conversations, theories, and facts, which will result in a greater level of comprehension and enjoyment.
Tip #10 Turn Reading Into a Game
How fast can you read a page of text while still maintaining a high level of comprehension? Why not time yourself and try to beat your record one page at a time?
Remember what it was like to be a kid? Everything was a game! Remember how long you used to stay focused on playing with a toy or a game that you found interesting? When we grew up, we forgot that we can turn anything into a game.
Games motivate us and engage parts of the brain tied to our need for entertainment and challenge. By creating little games with our reading material, we can trick our brain into thinking we are playing a game instead of engaging in the laborious task of reading.
Often, we read through boring material with diligence because it can mean the difference between a passing and failing grade in school or not getting our job done at work. All this does is burn us out. At one point in my life, it made me hate reading in general.
All we have to do is change our perspective on the material and mimic the joy of reading something we are actually interested in. This will make reading a lot more fluid and effortless, and you could create your own reading utopia where even the most boring material is still fun to read!
Tip #11 Take Charge of the Reading Environment
Taking charge of your reading environment means finding the best location and time that allows maximum concentration. It is extremely important, especially when reading boring text. Do what works best for you.
For some people, the ideal reading location is a quiet room. Others may prefer reading with a little background noise. Stick to the place that allows you to concentrate better.
You’ll notice a significant improvement in your concentration and reading efficiency with time. If you have to read a difficult topic, it is best to do it when your focus is sharpest.
Tip #12 Set Milestones
Dealing with a boring book can be easier if you set an achievable milestone. This way, you’ll get that sense of fulfillment that comes with completing a task at different intervals when reading. This method is extremely important, especially when dealing with long materials.
For example, you can decide to read only two chapters at a go and then take a break before moving to the next two chapters. Once you’ve established a pattern that works, ensure to stick to it. You find that completing each milestone is satisfying and encourages you to keep going.
Don’t stop until you reach the final milestone. You can write down your targets to help solidify them in your mind.
Tip #13 Use the Pomodoro Method
The Pomodoro method can help you concentrate when reading, and it can be quite handy when facing boring text. It is a time management technique that involves timing yourself at intervals. Here’s how it works: you discipline yourself and work on a task for 25 minutes at a stretch.
Once done, you’ll reward yourself with a 5-minute break. Repeat the process four times and take a longer break (about 15 to 25 minutes).
The Pomodoro method teaches your brain to focus on a task for prolonged periods. You’ll indulge in distractions like video games, listening to music, or chatting with friends, but only during the regulated breaks. With this time management technique, you’ll learn how to concentrate when reading boring and lengthy books.
Tip #14 Practice, Practice, Practice
Like every other activity, reading skills improve with practice. You need to read regularly to be more efficient. Try to read every day.
This way, you’ll develop your reading skills and become better equipped to stay focused even when reading boring material.
Tip #15 Practice Meditation
Meditation clears your mind and improves your reading skills. Anxiety is one of the top reasons people can’t focus when reading. It’s a simple practice!
Go to a quiet location, sit comfortably and try to empty your mind. Allow thoughts to pass through your mind and practice concentration. With time, you’ll master the act of concentration and how to block out distractions when reading.
BONUS TIP: Learn Speed Reading & Memory Techniques
Our Speed Reading Mastery Course consists of video tutorials (8+ hours of content) covering advanced strategies that can be implemented immediately in your own reading material.
You can complete the individual lessons at your own pace, and this course goes beyond what we have time to cover during our in-person classes to help you approach many different types of reading material more effectively. You’ll also receive lifetime access so you can always revisit the content if you need a refresher. View all of the course lessons here!
More Resources:
Paul Nowak
Paul is the founder of Iris Reading, the largest provider of speed-reading and memory courses. His workshops have been taught to thousands of students and professionals worldwide at institutions that include: NASA, Google, HSBC and many Fortune 500 companies.
This article was very helpful, thank you very much!
Samuel M Tapper
Good advice
It really is!
This was one of the best articles I have ever read in my life And it was so interesting to read and this is the only article which I read completely in my entire life.
I think it was the same for me haha
Nelson Ifeanyichukwu
This article is very helpful to me. Thank you Paul Nowak
This was a one in a million reading tip…
Thank you Paul
Paul Nowak
You’re welcome! Glad you found it helpful.
Very good article due to covid my chances of getting a job are more less near zero so now I have to teach myself new things to survive. I needed this info
Syed Hassan
Very good article. It will definitely help me in developing the focus.
Thanks, Paul, for keeping touch with those of us who
completed your excellent 4-hour Speed Reading
Course…For me, it was a refresher session and now
your emails are useful reminder Not to slip back into very slow, distracted reading, but to Keep Practicing, with pen or
finger under each line. And..Thinking of Nothing Else while Reading helps the most, tho that takes More practice! Might
even come back for another refresher course, some day…
Vance Huff
Extremely helpful. Thank you!
thanks for this reading tips
Good Luck
Spending less time on the internet has worked incredibly well for me. I used to be an avid reader up until junior high, when I got one of those drug store phones with the sliding keyboard (the kind that can only play rip-offs of beta Candy Crush) and Netflix became available for people without TVs. After a while, I couldn’t read much with the same comprehension I’d been able to just months before. I knocked off all but an hour a day of bluescreens, and I started getting lost again (as happens when one finds a well-written book).
When you don’t have screens to occupy your time, you’ll find a lot more of it. Reading interesting books, not those you think will make you smarter, will increase your focus slowly but surely. In terms of short, unimportant filler assignments, it’s great to look up condensed snippets of information, but studying for a test or researching [X] is done with better comprehension and quality when read in physical form. That means finding out the best, most relevant resources, biking to the public library, and ordering anything you need that they don’t already have (You’ll find this is pretty much everything. Plan ahead.). Plus, you never know what you’ll find in the dusty non-fiction section of a weed-scented ghetto library – it might have some funny, abstract knowledge that can make your paper that much more bearable to read.
Thank you for the tips. Doing 100+ large pages of reading and a quiz on all the previous contents in one day and driving me crazy.
I think this is going to help me with my all night readings…thanks for the tips
Thank u Paul! Very insightful!!
Meghan Mastenbrook
I can NEVER stay focused while reading. I always regress. So this is helpful and I just shared it. Thank you!
I was searching for tips on how to stay focused while reading. I am glad I found your tips. Thanks for sharing. I will also share.