Benefits - Iris Reading
What Happens If You Read 2 Hours a Day?

What Happens If You Read 2 Hours a Day?

Reading for two hours a day:  Enhances your memory. Improves cognitive function. Boosts your productivity. Reduces stress. Improves your relationships. Prolongs your lifespan.  A consistent reading habit positively influences your mental and physical health. It can significantly improve the overall quality of your life.   This article will explain how reading improves our life. We will […]

Does Reading Increase IQ

Does Reading Increase IQ?

Reading will increase your knowledge and vocabulary (which increases your crystallized intelligence), and it’ll help you detect patterns and solve problems (which increases your fluid intelligence). Reading also helps you understand and manage emotions (which increases your emotional intelligence). Everyone wants a high score on the IQ test. Everyone wants to be considered intelligent. Intelligence sets […]

What are the benefits of being productive?

What Are The Benefits Of Being Productive?

Being productive is the key to a successful, healthy, and happy life.  When you are productive: You’ll complete tasks faster and better, and enhance your reputation. You’ll have less stress and have more time for self-care and self-development. You’ll be happy, motivated to do more, and inspire others around you. Everyone wants to be the […]

Do Brain Games Actually Work?

Do Brain Games Actually Work?

Brain games stimulate the brain. But there’s no consensus in the scientific community on whether this stimulation leads to improved cognitive functions in real-life situations.  If you desire to improve your thinking skills, memory, and other cognitive functions, brain games might interest you. Read on to find out if brain games work.  In this post, […]

What Happens In The Brain While Reading?

What Happens In The Brain While Reading?

Different brain parts get activated when you read, such as the temporal lobe, angular and supramarginal gyrus, and frontal lobe. Consequently, neural responses help you understand, visualize and vocalize words. As you read, your brain’s limbic system also activates emotions. Brain activity increases in the left hemisphere while reading. Your brain becomes engaged in helping […]