Benefits - Iris Reading - Page 2
How Does Reading Before Bed Affect Your Sleep?

How Does Reading Before Bed Affect Your Sleep?

After a long day’s work, it is nice to have an after-work routine to wind down for the evening. You see this all the time on TV and in the movies. A group of coworkers will go to the same bar every day and talk things over a pint of beer. For you, it may […]

reading more than one book at a time

Reading More Than One Book at a Time (9 Incredible Benefits)

Loss of time for activities you once enjoyed is part of the reality of being an adult, especially for book-loving busy professionals or entrepreneurs. Many find themselves reading required books and documents, and not so much the science fiction novel they enjoyed back in college.  There are ways of integrating reading back into your life […]

The Four Things That Happen to Our Minds When We Read

The Four Things That Happen to Our Minds When We Read

When was the last time you sat down and enjoyed a good novel? A novel that hooked you in and you felt that you benefited from it, and not just in the usual sense. Reading has an amazing effect on the brain other than keeping you entertained and educated. When you read a book, either […]

When You Start Reading Again, These 5 Things Will Happen

When You Start Reading Again, These 5 Things Will Happen

Reading is an enjoyable activity, yet time-consuming too. It is easy to fall out of the habit if you don’t have a set reading routine, be it listening to an audiobook on your commute or reading in the evening to wind down from the day. If you’ve fallen out of the habit of reading, you’ll […]

how reading improves social skills

How Reading Improves Your Social Life

How is your 2020 reading challenge coming along? One of the best parts about reading is all the lessons that the masterminds of words teach you. There is grammar, spelling, and sentence structure along with the information weaved inside. The power a book has on someone is more than entertainment. Books educate readers on all […]