Comprehension - Iris Reading - Page 3
What Are The Levels of Comprehension?

What Are The Levels of Comprehension?

Comprehension is the process of understanding what is being read or heard. It involves decoding the text or audio and making sense of it. Comprehension can be difficult but can be improved on with practice. Generally speaking, there are three primary levels of comprehension, and they include: Literal level comprehension Inference level comprehension Evaluative level [...]
7 Tips to Study More Efficiently

7 Tips to Study More Efficiently

The most efficient learning methods are counterintuitive. They defy common sense. There is nothing like a math person or a science guru; attitude is everything. It determines your eagerness to learn, and learning is through practice, visualization, and retrieval. Learning is acquiring new knowledge through study, experience, or teachings. It is a never-ending practice. On […]

What Is Active Recall and Passive Recall?

What Is Active Recall and Passive Recall?

Active recall and passive recall are learning strategies that can help retain information. The former refers to techniques that retrieve information from your brain, while the latter refers to the techniques that take in information from learning materials.  Although both are good techniques for learning and memory, active recall is a more effective way of […]

What Is Mind Mapping? (and How to Use It for Studying)

What Is Mind Mapping? (And How To Use It For Studying)

Mind mapping is a way of representing information and relationships visually. Information is presented in the form of a “mind map,” a type of spider diagram. The information is organized radially around a core concept. Mind mapping has been proven useful for memorization and learning, especially for students. In this brief article, we will explore […]

What Is the Best Approach for Reading Comprehension?

What Is the Best Approach for Reading Comprehension?

The best approach for reading comprehension is to practice key comprehension strategies. These include but are not limited to improving your reading skills, enhancing your vocabulary, and developing your critical thinking skills.  Read comprehension is critical to your understanding of any text. It is important for both children and adults. It leads to improved learning […]

Text Comprehension Exercises You Can Practice at Home

Text Comprehension Exercises You Can Practice at Home

Some of the things you can practice at home to help you understand what you read are skimming, making connections, visualizing, summarizing, making inferences, and discussing.  Reading is a waste of time and effort if there is no comprehension. However, even though text comprehension is essential to readers at all levels, it is something that […]