Focus - Iris Reading - Page 4

Top 50 Useful Skills You Can Learn Fast (in your free time)

A skill is an ability developed and learned to do tasks or activities competently. There is a broad range of skills that you can learn to help you land a job, improve your social life, and assist in meeting the demands and challenges in life.  All skills are useful, but some are hard to learn. […]

free online courses

Best Free Online Courses that Won’t Consume too Much of Your Time

Continuing your education is something that all professionals should care about. The problem many professionals face is investing time to be sure to get the most out of a course. Luckily, there are plenty of free online courses that take up no time at all. They are meant to be refreshers and tips to utilize […]

An Overview of How the Human Memory Works

The concept of memory is something that scientists are still trying to wrap their heads around. At its core, memory is the process in which the mind acquires information, stores it, and then can recall it at a later point in time. There is a three-step process at which a memory forms: encoding, storage, and […]

Book Review: The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

Arg! It’s the end of a stressful day at work. The boss has been on you about getting a report done, your coworkers keep asking you questions, and you still have to answer a never-ending list of emails. Taking a smoke break sounds really good to you right now. You reach into your desk for […]