Productivity - Iris Reading - Page 7
Why Do I Lose Interest in Reading? (& What to Do About it)

Why Do I Lose Interest in Reading? (& What to Do About it)

You can lose interest in reading due to the reading slump, television, mental illness, or tiredness. To rekindle your love for reading, join a book club, avoid distractions, take a break and choose your reading method.  People read to gain knowledge and discover information. Others read for entertainment, escape reality, and get immersed in another […]

Top 15 Apps To Increase Personal Productivity

Top 15 Apps To Increase Personal Productivity

Productivity apps can help you identify and eliminate issues getting in the way of your productivity. Some top apps out there include AccelaReader, Focusbooster, RescueTime, Speed Reading Tips App, and more. With these tools, you can get the most of your time when working because they help you become more efficient. If you’re an employee, […]

What are the benefits of being productive?

What Are The Benefits Of Being Productive?

Being productive is the key to a successful, healthy, and happy life.  When you are productive: You’ll complete tasks faster and better, and enhance your reputation. You’ll have less stress and have more time for self-care and self-development. You’ll be happy, motivated to do more, and inspire others around you. Everyone wants to be the […]

Best Books to Improve Personal Productivity

Best Books to Improve Personal Productivity

Some of the best personal productivity books include: Atomic Habits by James Clear The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich by Tim Ferriss Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell Tools of Titans by Timothy Ferriss Getting Things Done: The Art of […]

Workplace Productivity

How to Increase Workplace Productivity

You can increase workplace productivity through effective time management, reducing distractions, and taking breaks when necessary. Map out a calendar and have a daily checklist of tasks to complete. Don’t forget to eat a proper diet and always get a good night’s sleep to recharge your body and brain. Productivity is key for business growth […]

How Can Personal Productivity Be Improved?

How Can Personal Productivity Be Improved?

There are many ways to improve personal productivity. But we can consolidate them into five – stay healthy, plan your work, avoid distractions, learn to say “No,” and take specially-designed productivity courses. You should be interested in improving your productivity if you want to get the most out of your day. The more productive you […]