Preparing for the LSAT? 3 Unique Ways to Prepare for the Test
It’s less than two weeks away, and is on the mind of every future law student: the LSAT.
The Law School Admission Test (LSAT) is a half-day, standardized test that is an important part of the law school admission process in the United States, Canada and many other countries.
This article is intended to provide tips to those preparing to take the test. In writing this article, I’m assuming that you are already familiar with the LSAT, but if you are looking for more general information about the test, click here to visit the official LSAT site.
The LSAT is a tough test. If you’ve been preparing for a while now, you already know the obvious tips (get sleep, eat well, don’t stress out, etc.). But here are some unique ways to prepare for the LSAT that can actually help you score higher.
#1: Take a Speed-Reading Course
Many LSAT test prep programs say that you should read very slowly to make sure you understand the questions and answer choices. But if you read everything slowly, you’ll run out of time. In fact, one of the biggest challenges on the LSAT is finishing it in time. If you could boost your reading speed, even just a little bit, this would help you tremendously on the entire test.
So consider taking a speed-reading course if you are preparing for the LSAT. I’ve noticed over the past few years that more and more students preparing for the LSAT are showing up to my speed-reading courses. Within every speed reading class that I teach, there always seems to be at least one, or a few, that are preparing for the LSAT. With a little practice, most people can easily double their reading speed and still maintain or improve their comprehension.
#2: Get Into the Habit of Reading, and Picking Apart, the Opinion Pages of the at Least One Newspaper a Day
This exercise can help you perform better on the logical reasoning section of the LSAT. The logical reasoning questions focus on assumptions and logical inconsistencies. The opinion pages of newspapers are littered with assumptions and logical inconsistencies because of deadlines, word-limits and partisan beliefs.
Try reading an Op-ed daily and underline anything that is an assumption, contradiction or leap of logic. This will help you develop the habit of spotting logical inconsistencies, which should serve you very well on the logical reasoning section of the LSAT.
#3: Find Out Where Your LSAT Will Be Held and Study There
Most people preparing for the LSAT study in the following places: home, library, bookstore, coffee shop. But if you’re really trying to replicate the testing conditions you will experience on test, it’s best to study at the actual location where the LSAT will be held. Numerous studies have shown this to be an effective strategy.
By studying and taking your practice tests at the same location as the real test, you’ll get used to the setting. The smells and sounds of the building will already be familiar and won’t distract you on test day. The LSAT is commonly held at universities, many of which are open to the general public. You’ll be surprised at how many campuses will allow you enter as a non-student and even study in an empty classroom.
More Resources:
Paul Nowak
Paul is the founder of Iris Reading, the largest provider of speed-reading and memory courses. His workshops have been taught to thousands of students and professionals worldwide at institutions that include: NASA, Google, HSBC and many Fortune 500 companies.