Blog - Iris Reading - Page 39
How Long Does It Take To Increase Your Reading Speed?

How Long Does It Take To Increase Your Reading Speed?

You can increase your reading speed in hours, days, weeks, or years. The average person can read 150 – 250 words per minute (wpm), but an effective reader can read more than 400 wpm.  You can increase your reading speed faster if you increase your learning speed, take online courses, eliminate distractions, and practice daily.  […]

How Can I Remember Everything I Study?

How Can I Remember Everything I Study?

According to competitive memorizers, visualization approaches and memory strategies help them retain vast information. Learners who employ memory techniques such as active recall or taking on a memory improvement course outperform those who do not. To retain ideas, concepts, and content for exam day, learners must employ memory when studying. While you shouldn’t cram for […]

How Can I Memorize Things Better?

How Can I Memorize Things Better?

Today, learning information and recalling it has become less important with the advancement of technology. Smartphones, computers, and even GPS, all eliminate the need to learn massive amounts of information.  Memory is the process of forming connections between pieces of information in our minds. Unfortunately, because of the reliance on technology, we may struggle to […]

How Fast Can The Fastest Reader Read?

How Fast Can The Fastest Reader Read?

The world’s fastest reader record belongs to Howard Stephen Berg, popularly referred to as Speedy Berg. He read over 25,000 words per minute in 1990 and set the record at 80 pages per minute. Have you ever wondered if you could read a 1000-page textbook in a day?  Well, it’s normal to think you’re not […]

What Are The 10 Worst Foods For Memory?

What Are The 13 Worst Foods For Memory?

Did you lose your train of thought while speaking or forget why you entered a room? You might assume that’s just part of the natural aging process, but it could also be related to what you eat. Refined carbs, fast food, processed meat, vegetable oils, and sugary drinks have detrimental effects on your brain. They […]

Best Memory Improvement Techniques

Best Memory Improvement Techniques

The best memory improvement techniques are mnemonics (geography mnemonics, rhymes, Method of Loci & chunking memory), speed reading, spaced repetition, and mind mapping. It’s quite frustrating when you try recalling someone’s name or something you saw recently but can’t find the word to say it. Your memory slips off just when you need it the […]