Blog | Iris Reading - Part 43
People Are Better at Remembering Names Rather Than Faces

People Are Better at Remembering Names Rather Than Faces

How many times has this happened to you? You are at a networking event that is the perfect opportunity to gain new clients for your company. As you make your rounds around the room, shaking hands, someone stops you and says, “How nice to see you again!” You look at their face and draw a […]

Speed Reading Is A Must For College Students

Speed Reading Is A Must For College Students

It’s funny how quickly you figure out the difference between being a high school senior is from being a college freshman. All of the things your parents did for you back at home are your responsibility now. Think the towel on the floor is going to clean itself on its own? Your free time you […]

Study Tips To Help Prepare You For Your Next Medical Exam

12 Medical Mnemonic Techniques (With examples)

Mnemonic techniques are valuable learning aids that help recall and retain important information. These techniques date back to ancient Greece and have stood the test of time as people have experienced success using them to recollect crucial details.  Medical mnemonic techniques will assist you in remembering medical terms, concepts, and facts. These techniques include acronyms, […]

reader's block

5 Tips To Overcome Reader’s Block

No matter how much of an avid reader you are, you are susceptible to experiencing “reader’s block.” Those that have reader’s block can’t seem to get past the first page of a book. Or, they haven’t read a book in ages. It is possible to get unstuck and reignite your passion for reading and the […]

Misconceptions About Speed Reading

What Are Some Misconceptions About Speed Reading?

If you’ve ever heard someone talk about how they read over 50 books in a year, it sounds impossible. Or a coworker at work finishes a 50-page document in an hour while it takes you double the amount of time for the same document. Upon comparing yourself to them, you try to figure out how […]