Blog | Iris Reading - Part 49
ways to increase your reading speed

5 Ways To Increase Your Reading Speed

Do you find that “boring” documents take you longer to get through versus a fun fantasy novel you’re itching to find out how the story ends? You are not alone! Why you read one piece of text faster than the other could very well depend on your interest in the topic, but it doesn’t have […]

When You Start Reading Again, These 5 Things Will Happen

When You Start Reading Again, These 5 Things Will Happen

Reading is an enjoyable activity, yet time-consuming too. It is easy to fall out of the habit if you don’t have a set reading routine, be it listening to an audiobook on your commute or reading in the evening to wind down from the day. If you’ve fallen out of the habit of reading, you’ll […]

5 Ways To Maximize Your Memory

5 Ways To Maximize Your Memory

It’s always interesting when you can recite lines from your favorite TV show to friends, but forget a coworker’s name, a phone number for a new client, or information for final exams. Forgetting crucial information is something that we all experience. Scientists believe that there is a physical process on a molecular level that works […]

39 Book Recommendations from Nassim Taleb

39 Book Recommendations from Nassim Taleb

Dr. Seuss said that the more you read, the more you’ll know, the more you’ll learn, and the more places you’ll go. Taleb’s reading list is an excellent place to start. The book genres are a good mix that keeps you interested and longing for the next. You could even read two or more at […]