Blog - Iris Reading - Page 58

Reading Challenges for 2020

This year, a record number of students & professionals attended our speed-reading, memory & productivity courses in over 100 cities around the globe! When I ask attendees what their motivation was when they signed up, a common reply is that they simply want to get more reading done. Well, it’s once again that time of […]

Memory Palace

How To Create a Memory Palace To Remember Information

The Method of Loci, or memory palace, is one of the oldest mnemonic devices that helps you to memorize anything from your grocery list to information needed for presentations or exams. In our previous article, What is the Method of Loci, we explained that “loci” is the plural form of the word locus, meaning location. […]

Science-Backed Reasons to Read a (Real) Book

Is print really dead? Not if science has anything to say about it! e-Readers give you access to thousands of books at a click of a button. It all sounds enticing, but there is nothing better than a paperback book. In fact, through studies conducted by scientists, they have enough evidence to suggest that you […]

At Which Age Do Memories First Form?

The concept of memory is a fascinating topic that researchers are still trying to understand. In a previous article, An Overview of How the Human Memory Works, we dug deep and figured out that the brain is like a muscle that needs a good workout daily. The more use the synapses and pathways between neurons […]

Does Watching Too Much Junk TV Effect Your Brain?

Watching TV is a passive activity. You sit there on the couch while information and entertainment are feed to you. You exert little to no effort making it a relaxing and enticing activity to participate in for hours on end. But in recent years, studies have come out detailing the significant damage it does to […]

Books That Are Better Enjoyed by Listening to the Audiobook

  Audiobook versus paperback. Which side are you on?  There are plenty of arguments as to which one is better for your memory and comprehension, but sometimes its good to enjoy an audiobook. Some fiction books are better on audiobook because a voice actor can bring the characters to life using different voice inflections or […]