active recall - Iris Reading
35 Top Memory Exercises for Cognitive Improvement

35 Top Memory Exercises for Cognitive Improvement

Even while we sleep, our brains are constantly working, but is daily activity sufficient to maintain cognitive function? Not only do our bodies deteriorate with age, but our minds also waste away.  The good news is that simple brain training exercises can boost your memory. In this article, we’ve compiled the top brain exercises to […]

Aurelien Hayman, the Boy Who Recalls Everything

Aurelien Hayman, The Boy Who Recalls Everything

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to know everything? Would you like a superpower that doesn’t let you forget anything that’s ever happened to you? Would that be a blessing or a curse?  Well, we’re going to find out today.  Aurelien Hayman, a young man from Cardiff, Wales, knows this all too well. He’s […]

What Is Active Recall and Passive Recall?

What Is Active Recall and Passive Recall?

Active recall and passive recall are learning strategies that can help retain information. The former refers to techniques that retrieve information from your brain, while the latter refers to the techniques that take in information from learning materials.  Although both are good techniques for learning and memory, active recall is a more effective way of […]

4 Reasons Why Your Memory May Be Poor (And How To Fix It)

4 Reasons Why Your Memory May Be Poor (And How To Fix It)

Major causes for poor memory in people who are not being treated for a disease are: Abusing alcohol. Sleep deprivation. Stress & depression. Dietary habits. All 4 of these things have one thing in common: they damage our brain (neurotoxic). Fortunately, there are still ways for you to cope with your poor memory. The neurotoxic […]