adjust reading speed - Iris Reading
How Important Is Reading Speed?

How Important Is Reading Speed?

Reading speed determines how fast you can access information. So reading fast helps you access information more quickly, helping you stay on top of the information that your success depends on. Reading is an important skill that helps you access information. However, reading at a leisurely pace may not be practicable.  As a student awaiting […]

Average Reading Speed by Age - Are You Fast Enough?

Average Reading Speed by Age – Are You Fast Enough?

The average reading rates for kids in grades 1-6 are between 80  and 185 words per minute (wpm). Teens have an average reading speed of 195 to 204 wpm. For college-aged adults, the average reading speed is between 200 and 300 words per minute. This speed declines steadily with age. Did you know that reading […]

How to Adjust Your Reading Speed to Maximize Efficiency

How to Adjust Your Reading Speed to Maximize Efficiency

Reading with your hand is a fundamental tenet of speed reading. The reason you want to read with your hand (or a pen) is because your eyes are naturally attracted to motion. If you are reading with your hand or pen, what you can do very easily to maximize your efficiency is adjust your reading […]