book reading - Iris Reading
15 Must Read Books Where the Main Character Is a Master of Their Own Craft

15 Must Read Books Where the Main Character Is a Master of Their Own Craft

Some people travel to witness countless tales and stories in each land. Others simply read books.  Books are incredible at widening one’s horizons and teaching important life lessons you cannot learn anywhere else. They play a pivotal role in the academic years of a student, but even after you have graduated or finished your studies, […]

What Makes a Book Hard to Read?

What Makes a Book Hard to Read? (Quick Facts)

If you’re like most people, you probably enjoy reading. Books can be a great way to spend your time, whether it’s for pleasure or learning. However, some books are more challenging to read than others. But what makes a book hard to read?  There are several reasons why a book might be hard to read. […]

6 Steps to Read Difficult Texts Faster

6 Steps to Read Difficult Texts Faster

Whether you are reading some papers for your assignment or going through files for work, you will likely come across some type of text almost every day.  Reading is surely an integral part of our lives. However, where reading is essential, it can also be very mentally exhausting for most people. Especially if the text […]

Why Do I Lose Interest in Reading? (& What to Do About it)

Why Do I Lose Interest in Reading? (& What to Do About it)

You can lose interest in reading due to the reading slump, television, mental illness, or tiredness. To rekindle your love for reading, join a book club, avoid distractions, take a break and choose your reading method.  People read to gain knowledge and discover information. Others read for entertainment, escape reality, and get immersed in another […]

Why Are Classics So Hard To Read? And what to do about it

Why Are Classics So Hard To Read? (& What To Do About It)

Classics are hard to read because of the writing style, the historical settings, narrative structures, and symbolism. To improve understanding, read an annotated version and research a book’s historical period. You can also read commentaries and watch a movie to grasp the concept.  The English language has transformed over the past thousand years. Grammar, vocabulary, […]

how many books do people read? Map...

How Many Books Does the Average Person Read?

George R. R Martin once said readers relive thousands of lives reading, while non-readers only live once. Americans have varied reading habits across different demographics. Some prefer to flip the pages, others listen to audiobooks, and for some, scrolling through an e-book is okay. We’ll tell you how many books you can read annually and […]