comprehension - Iris Reading - Page 3
What Are The Levels of Comprehension?

What Are The Levels of Comprehension?

Comprehension is the process of understanding what is being read or heard. It involves decoding the text or audio and making sense of it. Comprehension can be difficult but can be improved on with practice. Generally speaking, there are three primary levels of comprehension, and they include: Literal level comprehension Inference level comprehension Evaluative level […]

7 Tips to Study More Efficiently

7 Tips to Study More Efficiently

The most efficient learning methods are counterintuitive. They defy common sense. There is nothing like a math person or a science guru; attitude is everything. It determines your eagerness to learn, and learning is through practice, visualization, and retrieval. Learning is acquiring new knowledge through study, experience, or teachings. It is a never-ending practice. On […]

6 Consequences of Over Memorization (& What to Do Instead

6 Consequences of Over Memorization (And What To Do Instead)

Over memorization is not good for learning. It is time-consuming and stressful, makes learning superficial, does not promote comprehension, makes you forget faster, and does not encourage practical application.  While memorization continues to get a bad rap in many quarters, it has been shown that we cannot learn without it. Thus, what should be flogged […]

​​5 Ways to Improve Your Law School Reading & Comprehension Skills

​​5 Ways to Improve Your Law School Reading & Comprehension Skills

Actively practice reading Take useful notes Plan your reading strategy Build the right atmosphere Revise before the class Law school is hard, and not having great reading comprehension skills makes it even harder. Fortunately for you, regularly practicing just these five things can drastically improve your reading ability. In this article, we will tell you […]

23 Tips to Improve Reading Comprehension for Adults

23 Tips to Improve Reading Comprehension for Adults

Reading comprehension consists of understanding textual and subtextual meaning. By active reading, pacing yourself, discussing the text, and taking practice quizzes, adults can improve their reading comprehension. When reading a text, your brain must process the literal words and their relationship. While this may seem like the barest minimum, it isn’t easy for some adults. […]

What Are Personal Productivity Skills?

What Are Personal Productivity Skills?

In the simplest terms, personal productivity skills are your ability to manage your time and stress better while maximizing the benefits of the resource you have.  Productivity! It’s a simple word that makes all the difference in your life. Be it your personal life, studies, or work; you’ll want to achieve more with less effort. […]