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In 2019 Libraries Were More Popular Than Movie Theaters

  We’ve all heard the statement, “I liked the book better than the movie.” It seems to be the case these days that many books are now featured on the big screen. A few examples include Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier, Stephen King’s Doctor Sleep, and The Witches by Roald Dahl. These are all great […]

Creative and Fun Ways to Increase and Strengthen Your Vocabulary Daily

How many times have you found yourself with writer’s block because you can’t think of the right word to use? You’re not alone! It happens to the best of writers. Vocabulary is your best friend when it comes to diversifying your writing. Learning new vocabulary requires a good memory, and if you’re someone who has […]

Utilize Music To Enhance Comprehension

Utilize Music To Enhance Comprehension

We have all heard the almost universally accepted myth that listening to Mozart makes one “smarter”. That with the mere swells of listening to his majestic symphony, neurons would be rewired in our brains, synapses firing in ways they have never before, and our minds suddenly being capable of performing intellectual feats we never imagined […]

The “Read and Recall” Exercise

The “Read and Recall” Exercise

This simple exercise is a great drill to use in conjunction with your speed drills for a thorough and comprehensive practice regimen because it directly trains your ability to recall. Like all skills, concerted effort, repetition, and practice will help you in honing your comprehension and recall abilities. For this exercise, read a paragraph, and […]

Mind Mapping Helps You Remember

Mind Mapping Helps You Remember

Mind mapping is a great way to help you remember ideas, concepts, details, and their relation to each other in a quick, easy way. Use this method in addition to your regular note taking system as a kind of big picture “bird’s eye” view of the main concepts of an article, chapter, or segment of […]

I’m Done Reading, Now What?

What To Do Immediately After You Finish Reading

You have just spent the last hour reading. Now what? Well, hopefully you utilized one of the many techniques illustrated within past tips to have aided you in maximizing your time, reading speed, comprehension, note taking, and recall. If not, then it is highly recommend that you do. After all the reading material is completed, […]