learn - Iris Reading
33 Innovative Methods to Boost Memory Power (Explained!)

33 Innovative Methods to Boost Memory Power (Explained!)

Have you been experiencing sporadic memory loss, like losing your vehicle keys or forgetting the name of a new acquaintance? We’ve all had these moments of forgetfulness, but when they become prevalent, it can be frustrating. The good news is that you can use various innovative methods to improve your memory.  In this article, we […]

What Words Are Hard To Lipread

What Words Are Hard To Lipread? (Helpful Examples)

Lipreading can be difficult for even the most experienced lip reader, as it tends to lead to misinterpretation of many words, including those that others speak rapidly or words with multiple meanings.  Lip reading, also known as speechreading or visual phonics, is the ability to interpret the movements of the lips, face, and tongue to […]

Is Speed Reading Easy to Learn?

Is Speed Reading Easy to Learn?

Speed reading is the use of specific techniques to improve your ability to read and absorb a large amount of content quickly.  Speed reading is a very easy skill to learn, but it requires constant practice to accomplish. This will involve eliminating all bad reading habits, learning some speed reading techniques, and using adequate speed […]

What Is Active Recall and Passive Recall?

What Is Active Recall and Passive Recall?

Active recall and passive recall are learning strategies that can help retain information. The former refers to techniques that retrieve information from your brain, while the latter refers to the techniques that take in information from learning materials.  Although both are good techniques for learning and memory, active recall is a more effective way of […]

What Are Personal Productivity Skills?

What Are Personal Productivity Skills?

In the simplest terms, personal productivity skills are your ability to manage your time and stress better while maximizing the benefits of the resource you have.  Productivity! It’s a simple word that makes all the difference in your life. Be it your personal life, studies, or work; you’ll want to achieve more with less effort. […]