memorization - Iris Reading
Secrets to Effective Memorization: From Basics to Mastery

19 Secrets to Effective Memorization: From Basics to Mastery

We hate to admit it, but some people have a knack for remembering things more easily than others.  But here is the thing:  With the correct memorization technique, you can boost your memory if you struggle to memorize things faster.  It doesn’t matter if you are trying to memorize your grocery list, a movie script, […]

How Does Repetition Help Memory and Memorization?

How Does Repetition Help Memory and Memorization?

Repetition is a key factor in memory and memorization. When we repeat something, we are more likely to remember it later. This is because repetition helps to embed the information in our long-term memory.  Additionally, repetition can help us better recall information when we need it. Simply saying or thinking something over and over again […]

Is Chess Just Memorization?

Is Chess Just Memorization? (Quick Facts)

Chess is one of the most popular board games enjoyed by many people all over the world. It originated from India and was called Chaturanga, a Sanskrit word meaning “four limbs.”  However, as it is played now, modern chess does not resemble the original game. Chess is an intellectual and complex game that has been […]

Is Memorization Good for the Brain?

Is Memorization Good for the Brain? (5-Minute Read)

Memorization serves as a workout for the brain, training it to be quick, agile, and focused. The brain is like a muscle that requires exercise for optimal functioning. Besides being a mental workout, memorization also teaches the mind to remain focused when dealing with unpleasant tasks.  The world is becoming more technologically reliant, and memorization […]

Why Is It Important to Learn Reading Comprehension Strategies?

Why Is It Important to Learn Reading Comprehension Strategies?

Learning reading comprehension strategies has many benefits for both adults and children. It makes for better personal and professional life for adults, as they’ll be more effective in the workplace. Children will excel in school as their academic progress depends on their ability to understand and answer questions related to what they read. Reading comprehension […]