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What Are The Levels of Comprehension?

What Are The Levels of Comprehension?

Comprehension is the process of understanding what is being read or heard. It involves decoding the text or audio and making sense of it. Comprehension can be difficult but can be improved on with practice. Generally speaking, there are three primary levels of comprehension, and they include: Literal level comprehension Inference level comprehension Evaluative level […]

Why Is It Important to Improve Productivity?

Why Is It Important to Improve Productivity? (Explained for Beginners)

Understanding the importance of productivity in your life is essential and makes it easier for you to set and achieve your goals. If you’re responsible for a team or running a business, you must ensure they run as efficiently as possible. Higher productivity levels in every aspect of life ensure better utilization of available resources.   […]

How to Beat Procrastination

How to Beat Procrastination (13 Proven Methods)

Beating procrastination may be challenging, but definitely not impossible. To beat procrastination, one must be aware of why they do it, make a conscious effort to stop it, create an environment that fosters productivity, and develop habits that generally support a healthy and productive lifestyle.  Ideally, everybody wants to stay productive. But as humans, people […]

Science-Based Protocols For a Productive Day

Science-Based Protocols For a Productive Day

Because scientific knowledge is objective, productivity habits grounded in science-based protocols offer concrete, evidence-supported methodology. You’ll waste time and get the wrong information if you depend on personal opinion or flawed research to deal with your productivity issues.  When you understand why your productivity is low, developing habitual concepts based on facts can drive us […]

How to Be Productive After Work

How to Be Productive After Work

Some people are highly organized and productive at work but very disorganized and unproductive at home. Staying productive after work must be intentional and well planned. It cannot just happen. But why work so hard in your 9-5 and neglect your personal life?  It is easy to get distracted and live a comfortable, happy life […]

How to Do More Without Working Harder (Eisenhower Matrix Explained!)

How to Do More Without Working Harder (Eisenhower Matrix Explained!)

The time management technique Eisenhower Matrix teaches you to do more without putting in more work hours. This technique enables you to prioritize better by learning which tasks are worth your time and which ones aren’t. You can plan your work with this information, focusing only on the most critical activities. This way, you’ll become […]