personal productivity | Iris Reading | Iris Reading - Part 7
Speed Reading vs Intensive Reading

Speed Reading vs Intensive Reading: Differences & Similarities

Speed reading and intensive reading are both effective forms of reading, but for different purposes. While speed reading is about how to absorb information quickly and might imply a trade-off between speed and comprehension, intensive reading prioritizes comprehension above speed. To improve your reading skills, you need to apply several reading strategies. Becoming a dedicated […]

How to Speed Read for Increased Comprehension

How to Speed Read for Increased Comprehension (Explained!)

Learning how to speed read improves not only your overall reading process but also your reading comprehension. That’s because practicing speed reading accelerates your brain processes and boosts your memory, leading to increased comprehension.  Sometimes when people come across the words “speed reading,” what immediately comes to mind are ways of reading faster than the […]

26 Longest Words to Describe Someone

26 Longest Words to Describe Someone (Explained!)

There are many adjectives to describe people in the English language. Yet, some of the longest words are the most striking. Either positive or negative, adjectives are the perfect tool to describe a human being’s appearance, behavior, and personality. These paint a vivid picture of the person.  We can say that someone is hard-working, short-tempered, […]

30 Useful Skills to Learn When Bored

30 Useful Skills to Learn When Bored

When life feels monotonous, it can be helpful to learn a new skill. Not only can this provide a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, but it can also help improve your self-esteem and confidence. There are many different skills that you can learn in your free time, but some may be more useful to you […]

How to Speed Read on iPhone

How to Speed Read on iPhone (17 Best Apps)

The best way to speed read on iPhone is to learn how to read faster. Afterward, select the best app with the best interface, speed reading tips, and ease of use. Then learn to remember what you read. We all know that we should be reading more. But who has time? Like most people, you’ve […]

Is It Normal to Not Have an Internal Monologue? (Explained!)

Is It Normal to Not Have an Internal Monologue? (Explained!)

In pop culture, inner monologue is portrayed as something that only serial killers have. However, it’s not something that sinister. Many people talk and have conversations with themselves in their heads. For example, while writing this article, at many different points, I thought, “Okay, now I have to put this section here and that section […]