read faster with comprehension - Iris Reading
What Are The Levels of Comprehension?

What Are The Levels of Comprehension?

Comprehension is the process of understanding what is being read or heard. It involves decoding the text or audio and making sense of it. Comprehension can be difficult but can be improved on with practice. Generally speaking, there are three primary levels of comprehension, and they include: Literal level comprehension Inference level comprehension Evaluative level [...]
Why Is It Important to Learn Reading Comprehension Strategies?

Why Is It Important to Learn Reading Comprehension Strategies?

Learning reading comprehension strategies has many benefits for both adults and children. It makes for better personal and professional life for adults, as they’ll be more effective in the workplace. Children will excel in school as their academic progress depends on their ability to understand and answer questions related to what they read. Reading comprehension […]

23 Tips to Improve Reading Comprehension for Adults

23 Tips to Improve Reading Comprehension for Adults

Reading comprehension consists of understanding textual and subtextual meaning. By active reading, pacing yourself, discussing the text, and taking practice quizzes, adults can improve their reading comprehension. When reading a text, your brain must process the literal words and their relationship. While this may seem like the barest minimum, it isn’t easy for some adults. […]

How To Improve Your Comprehension

How To Improve Your Comprehension [VIDEO]

Do you have trouble understanding what you read? In this video, you’ll learn comprehension strategies to help you get more out of the material that you read. You’ll learn how to approach various types of materials, some of which include newspaper and magazine articles, textbook chapters and other types of technical information. Materials for this […]

How To Increase Your Reading Speed

How to Use Peripheral Vision in Reading (Explained for Beginners)

You can use your peripheral vision to improve reading speed by training yourself to look at the space between two words rather than the specific word you want to read. With some practice, you will soon be able to read both words, jump to the next pair, and improve your reading speed drastically. Undoubtedly, reading […]