reader - Iris Reading
Is Speed Reading Considered a Sport?

Is Speed Reading Considered a Sport?

Speed reading is a mind sport that requires specialized skills,  techniques, mental strength, and dedication to master. It is an exercise for the brain necessary for improving your intellectual abilities. The classification of sporting activities has generated a lot of debates from several quarters. Going by the dictionary meaning of the word, a sport is […]

What Are Comprehension Strategies?

What Are Comprehension Strategies? (Explained for Beginners)

Comprehension strategies refer to methods employed during reading to understand written material better. These techniques make it easier for a reader to make sense of what they are reading and help to improve their quality of thought, critical thinking, and creativity. As a student, you must develop adequate comprehension skills to get good grades and […]

What Words Are Hard To Lipread

What Words Are Hard To Lipread? (Helpful Examples)

Lipreading can be difficult for even the most experienced lip reader, as it tends to lead to misinterpretation of many words, including those that others speak rapidly or words with multiple meanings.  Lip reading, also known as speechreading or visual phonics, is the ability to interpret the movements of the lips, face, and tongue to […]

What Books Are Hard to Read

What Books Are Hard to Read?

Reading can be habitual and entertaining, but you can have difficulty completing some books. If you are a determined reader, then you can undertake such tasks as a challenge that you must accomplish.  The problem with reading these books results from their complex subject matters and intelligible prose that does not give a reader an […]

Why Is It Important to Learn Reading Comprehension Strategies?

Why Is It Important to Learn Reading Comprehension Strategies?

Learning reading comprehension strategies has many benefits for both adults and children. It makes for better personal and professional life for adults, as they’ll be more effective in the workplace. Children will excel in school as their academic progress depends on their ability to understand and answer questions related to what they read. Reading comprehension […]

How Important Is Reading Speed?

How Important Is Reading Speed?

Reading speed determines how fast you can access information. So reading fast helps you access information more quickly, helping you stay on top of the information that your success depends on. Reading is an important skill that helps you access information. However, reading at a leisurely pace may not be practicable.  As a student awaiting […]