skill - Iris Reading
Is Productivity a Skill

Is Productivity a Skill? (7-Minute Read)

Productivity is a soft skill that encompasses problem-solving, time management, prioritizing urgent and essential things, and more. It is the ability to perform efficiently and consistently, making the most of available resources in a given time frame. Everyone wants to be productive regardless of whether they are in school, studying for academic reasons, looking for […]

What Causes Reading Comprehension Problems

What Causes Reading Comprehension Problems? (Important Facts)

Reading comprehension is the ability to understand the text. Comprehension problems result from medical reasons such as dyslexia and ADHD. Poor grasp also happens when you are anxious or when the text you are reading is complex and unfamiliar.  Other reasons are difficulties recognizing and decoding words, limited vocabulary, and low interest or motivation. Reading […]

What Are Comprehension Skills

What Are Comprehension Skills? (Explained for Beginners)

Often we read a book, put it down, and forget what we were reading. And even if we remember the context, we cannot understand the true meaning and hidden messages between the lines. Usually, it indicates a lack of comprehension – a skill crucial for kids, young students, or anyone who wants to learn by […]

How To Memorize the Contents of a Book [VIDEO]

  Do you easily forget things that you’ve read? Don’t worry. You can improve your ability to remember information. The presentation below will show you how to memorize the contents of a book using the numeric peg system. It’s a powerful memory technique that you can easily learn. Let us know what you think in […]