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reading levels

The Three Myths About “Reading Levels” Everyone Should Know

  Measuring success, progress, and overall growth is something that all industries and companies do. Having a base number to compare yourself to allows you to see what you can improve on. The same idea comes to reading and writing. There are different scales and methods to measure a persons’ reading level. This is more […]

cell phone addiction

Your Brain Doesn’t Recharge If You Use Your Phone on Break

It’s funny (and freighting) at the amount of time people spend on their phones. Go to any cafe in the morning, and take a look around at what others are doing. You’ll see some folks reading a book or a paper (which we encourage!), especially if they are on a break from work. Although, chances […]

most prolific authors

21 of the Most Prolific Authors of All Time

If you had to choose between quality versus quantity, which would you choose? What if we told you that you could have both! At least, that is the case for those in the literature world. Over the years, authors of all genres put their creative minds to the test by seeing how many books they […]

reading comprehension

How To Read Faster Without Sacrificing Comprehension

How’s your reading challenge going so far? If your book pile is starting to collect dust, this is an excellent opportunity to learn how to speed read and meet your book goal for the year. Some people find that it is hard to believe that speed reading increases comprehension, but it’s true! Although it may […]

10 Light Reads That Are Incredibly Informative

It can feel like any informational read is as thick as a phone book and just as dull. Useful information doesn’t have to come from a textbook. Informational reads are all around us in our indie bookstores and Kindle downloads. It’s the start of the weekend and the time to catch up on your reading […]

U.S. Tax Code

How Many Pages Is the Tax Code (& How Long Does It Take to Read It)

“Oh, January first. Better get started on those taxes, Neddy.” – Ned Flanders, The Simpsons. According to the Public Law 117-154(06/23/2022), the U.S. Tax Code is 6,871 pages. When you include the federal tax regulations and the official tax guidance, the number of pages raises to approximately 75,000. This will take an average reader about […]